Our PE Curriculum
We teach all six strands of the PE curriculum. These include Games, Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, Aquatics and Outdoor and Adventure. Teachers use the primary school PE curriculum and the PSSI lessons plans to plan their lessons. Children from 1st to 6th go for swimming lessons in Graiguecullen swimming pool for a 6 week block within the school year.
Each class has a timetabled PE slot in the hall so it doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside we ensure that pupils are provided with at least one hour of PE during the week (2 x 30 mins). We also reinforce the message that children should receive the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day.
To increase our activity levels throughout the day we try to do short activity breaks in class which include Go-Noodle, Just Dance, 10@10, Drop Everything and Dance and active golden time on Fridays.