As part of our Health Education Programme we have a Healthy Eating Policy.
We encourage children to bring a healthy lunch e.g. sandwiches, cheese, fruit, chopped vegetables, milk, fruit juice, water. Peeling oranges or chopping fruit and vegetables beforehand makes the lunch more manageable for the Junior Infant. During warm weather provide an extra drink.
Chocolate bars, sweets, biscuits, crisps, popcorn, nuts, fizzy drinks and chewing gum are not allowed. (Nuts are not permitted because a small number of our pupils have a serious allergy to them.)
However, on Fridays only, children may bring a small bar as a treat. Lollipops are forbidden for health and safety reasons.
For obvious safety reasons, glass bottles are also forbidden.
In order that you know what your child has eaten, each child must bring home any left-over lunch, including wrappers.