At a recent meeting of the Parents' Association, new officers were elected for the forthcoming year. The new committee is as follows...
Chairperson: Michelle Bible Vice Chairperson: Maresa Fitzhenry
Joint Secretaries: Brid Kavanagh and Rachel Foley
Treasurer: Micha Donegan Vice Treasurer: Mary Murphy
Sincere thanks go to outgoing chairperson Olive Fanning, joint secretary, Colleen Scully and treasurer Frances Cole who worked tirelessly during the year and were very hands-on at all PA organised events. We will miss their contributions but understand that for various reasons, they feel unable to commit as officers for this year. No doubt they will continue to be active members. We welcome the new officers and look forward to working with them. They already have many exciting new ideas so watch this space! Remember, the PA is for all parents, so feel free to attend any meetings or volunteer your services at any time.