National Parents Council Primary (NPC) is the representative organisation for parents of children in primary education. When NPC represents parents’ voices we want to make sure we do so having consulted parents and listened to what they have to say. The changes that will be proposed from this review will be in place when your child reaches senior cycle. Therefore it is important that we hear your views on these important changes. NPC are holding consultation events around the Country and we would be delighted if you could join us and have the opportunity to tell us your thoughts.
For the first time at these events, we are inviting children in 5th and 6th class to join their parents if they would like to do so, to ensure their voices are heard.
Speakers on the day will include: • Áine Lynch, NPC CEO, who will present the results of NPC parents’ and children’s surveys on the Senior Cycle • Louise O'Reilly, Education Officer, National Council for Curriculum & Assessment (NCCA). The NCCA advises the Minister for Education and Skills on curriculum and assessment for early childhood education, primary and post-primary schools.
NPC Regional Assembly Consultation event in Carlow Date: Venue: Time: 30th November 2019 The Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Kilkenny Rd, Mortarstown Upper, Carlow, R93 N207 11am - 2.30pm (tea/coffee at 10.45am & lunch will be provided)