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Public Health Guidance

Sep 09 2020

Public Health guidance in relation to actual or suspected cases of Covid-19 has recently been issued to all schools. This information was circulated to parents via Aladdin Connect but we are posting it here so that you can access it at any time. 

For the letter which was issued to schools from the Department of Education and Skills on 27th August 2020, click here

For the document entitled "Schools Pathway for Covid-19, The Public Health Approach", click here

For a guide to isolation, click here

While our aim is to keep everyone safe and healthy, it is inevitable that there will be cases or suspected cases over the coming weeks and months, We hope that the information we ave provided will prove useful should such circumstances arise. 



Covid 19 Response Plan and Policy Statement

Aug 06 2020

As you are aware, we are planning for a safe return to school at the end of August. We are being guided by the DES Covid 19 Response Plan. We have published this in the Policies section of our website. It is also available at: https//www.gov.ie/en/publication/a0bff-reopening-our-primary-and-special-schools/. You will also find the Covid 19 Policy Statement for Bennekerry N.S. and notifications regarding The Board of Management's annual review of the anti-bullying policy and Child Safeguarding Statement in this section.

Talking to Young People About Covid-19 and other Information re. School Closure

Mar 12 2020

The following is information about talking to young people about Covid 19. There are also two links to useful video clips which may be helpful. The children from 1st - 6th class have already been shown these in school.https://www.aladdin.ie/notification/4804434948259840/file/5715512855101440/talking-to-children-and-young-people-about-covid-19-coronavirus-advice-for-parents-and-schools.pdfhttps://www.rte.ie/news/coronavirus/2020/0306/1120692-news2day-coronavirus/https://www.education.ie/en/The-Department/Announcements/information-for-schools-preschools-and-third-level-institutions-on-the-coronavirus.html#10 Twinkl (an educational website) have made us aware of a special offer which we are passing on to you. A Chara,My name is Jonathan Seaton, and I am the CEO of Twinkl. In light of recent developments in relation to Covid-19, we here at Twinkl want to support all pupils, parents and teachers should the decision be made to close primary schools in Ireland. We are offering all parents and ...

Information for schools and pre-school settings including parents of students/children on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) v3. 27.02.2020

Feb 28 2020

There is an ongoing outbreak of a COVID-19 (Coronavirus) that started in China. Infections have been reported in several other countries. Details of affected areas where COVID-19 is circulating in the community are available on HSE.ie. The HSE HPSC is monitoring the situation and updating its webs ite www.hpsc.iedaily. CoronavirusesCoronaviruses are a large group of viruses that can cause illnesses. Some of these illnesses are very mild, like the common cold, while others are more severe, like SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).COVID-19 (Coronavirus)A “novel coronavirus” means a new type of coronavirus that has never been seen in humans before. The coronavirus recently identified in China is one of these. This infection caused by the new coronavirus has being named “COVID-19”.Symptoms of COVID-19It can take up to 14 days from exposure to the virus for the symptoms of COVID-19 to appear. These symptoms include:  Fever  Cough Shortness of breathTreatment of COVID-19There is no s ...

Chief Medical Officer advice to parents

Feb 27 2020

The Chief Medical Officer from the Department of Health, Dr Tony Holohan, has issued the following letter to parents of school children travelling from affected regions.________________________________________The Department of Education and Skills has updated information for schools, preschools and third level institutions on Covid-19; provided by the Department of Health and HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre following a meeting of the National Public Health Emergency Team.Public health doctors are available to liaise with schools and advise on precautions if staff and/or students have any concerns.Anyone who has been to affected regions in the last 14 days and has a cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties or fever should self-isolate and phone their GP immediately.Anyone who has travelled from the affected regions and has no symptoms should visit http://www.hse.ie/ for advice.The most important action we can take to protect ourselves from Covid-19 is regular hand-wa ...

Christmas Newsletter

Dec 16 2019

Our Christmas newsletter has just been posted. On it you will find times and dates for our Christmas Performances and Carol Service so if you are not sure and need clarification, please check it out. 

WORKSHOPS- Spring 2020 Primary Care & Child Psychology Service Kilkenny Tel: 056 7784613

Dec 05 2019

The HSE Primary Care and Psychology Service in Kilkenny offer workshops for parents. We recently received a flier which outlines the courses available for the Spring of 2020. You will find the flier by clicking on the "Parents" tab and selecting "School Communication" on the drop down menu. There are several courses which may be of interest to you. 

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