Latest News - Bennekerry N.S. News
Our Easter newsletter has just been posted. Enjoy the holidays and we'll see you back in school on Monday 29th April.
Latest News - Bennekerry N.S. News
Our latest newsletter which will keep you up to date with all the happenings in the school has just been added to our website.
Latest News - Bennekerry N.S. News
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment is conducting a review of Relationship and Sexuality Education in Primary and Post-Primary Schools.
It is seeking the views of teachers and parents on this topic and has prepared an online survey for parents, post-primary students and teachers. They would like as many parents as possible to complete the surveys below, to ensure that this review is as comprehensive as possible.
Online survey for parents/guardians
Online survey for teachers/educators
Online survey for post-primary students
Latest News - Bennekerry N.S. News
We hope you all received a pack lately which contained useful HSE publications on RSE, Healthy Eating and Physical Activity. The pack also included a letter which outlined our plans for this term as part of our School Self Evaluation process and our School Improvement Plan. One area of concentration for us is the whole idea of "reframing our thinking" and encouraging our pupils to have "Growth Mindsets". Each week we will display a "thought for the week" in all classrooms and we will ask the pupils to focus on this specific suggestion. The thought for the week will be added to our website each week so that you are aware of it also and can encourage your child in the same way at home. We hope you will find this useful.