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Catholic Schools Week 2018

Jan 29 2018

Catholic Schools Week runs from Sunday  January 28th, 2018. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2018 is Catholic Schools: Families of Faith.  To mark this special week all classes took part in a prayer service in the church on Monday January 29th. 

Food Dudes 2018

We are currently taking part in the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme. The Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme is an award winning programme developed by the Food & Activity Research Unit Bangor University, Wales to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables both in school at home. It is based on positive role models (the Food Dudes characters), repeated tasting and rewards. 4 types of fruit and 4 types of vegetables are provided and repeated 4 times over a 16 day period. This is to encourage repeated tasting. 

June Newsletter 2017

Jun 27 2017

Dear Parents / Guardians,

It’s hard to believe that we’re almost at the end of yet another academic year. The following will bring you up to date on the latest events in our school. We’ve had some wonderful achievements this term and I’m only too delighted to share the good news with you in what has turned out to be my longest newsletter ever!

Launch of our new school website!

Apr 18 2017

We are delighted to finally launch our new school website. We hope you find it a welcome addition to our school where we will be regularly posting announcements, news and events keeping everyone up to date. We will also be showcasing all the great work from our students.

Parents Association 20k Drop

Nov 27 2016
Thank you one and all, main sponsors, donors, advertisers, organizing committee and parents and Pallas Marketing, for what was our most ambitious and successful event in aid of Bennekerry National School which took place on November 18, 2016 when the Parents Association held “The 20K Drop Game Show”. 

Traffic Management

Sep 08 2016

The health and safety of our pupils is always our primary concern. The large volume of traffic at the gate in the mornings and afternoons poses a significant challenge as far as pupils’ safety is concerned.

We ask parents to exercise extreme caution at all times when dropping off and collecting their children. Your co-operation on the following is essential for the safety of all.

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